It’s the Summer Holidays!
The time of year when we all want to relax with our families and take some great family holiday photos. But how do you get pictures of them without their put-on ‘cheesy’ smiles? And how do you avoid them running for the hills every time you ask to take their photo?
Whether you have your own camera or an iphone in your pocket, these Top 5 tips should help you capture some cracking family photos this Summer…..
1. Get down low
This is my number one tip I give to all my friends when they ask me how to get good photos of their children. If you crouch down to your child’s level and just observe what they are doing you can get a real sense of being in the moment. It makes the picture more personal and intimate. And if you have an interesting background or amazing clouds in the sky it makes the shot really interesting.
2. Catch the natural emotions
No child likes to be posed. (At least not knowingly.) To capture some true emotion from your children, just ask your other half to be ready with the camera while you sit down and have a chat and some cuddles with your children. My daughter is always blissfully unaware that she’s being snapped in these moments, but they make the most precious memories!
3 – Use leading lines
Something that naturally leads your eye to your subject is known as a leading line. It can be anything from a wall, pavements or even footprints. It’s a great trick to create attention to your main subject and can make for some stunning family pictures.
4 – Capture their TRUE personality
Everyone wants the smiley pictures of their children, we all do. But we also want to cherish the memories of who they are. When you see them starting to wind each other up, capture it. When they are doing something they love, capture those cute happy expressions.
These are the ‘everyday’ moments that will help you remember their personalities as much as the cute laughing pictures.
5 – Negative space is good
I know this sounds weird, but it’s a great tip. It’s not always best to fill your frame with a person. Allowing a lot of space around your subject gives the image room to ‘breathe’ as well as giving context to what your subjects are doing and the view they may be looking out to.
I hope these tips help and you feel better equipped to get some great pictures of your family this Summer.
And if you find yourself on holiday in London or Kent, and would like some professional family photos please contact me for available dates. I’d love to help get some relaxed and natural images of you and your family.
Please check out my family pages on my website below and email me to enquire or book a photoshoot